It Could Always Be Worse
A driver managed to maneuver his tractor over a large rock near Emigrant Pass, west of Elko, Nevada, so that the drive wheels were elevated off the ground. The driver and tractor weren't going anywhere.
It was a straightforward job for Lostra Brothers Towing & Wreck Recovery, so when Jerry arrived on the scene, he went to work and lifted the tractor off the rock. The driver appreciated the help, but his tone changed when Jerry handed him the bill. Our rates are fair and Jerry didn’t treat this job any differently than he had thousands of others. But for whatever reason, the driver took offense and let Jerry have it. He was cursing up and down and calling Jerry every name in the book.
Jerry just leaned against his tow truck and said, “Pal, it could always be worse.”
The driver didn’t take kindly to the comment and responded, “What the hell do you mean, it could be worse?! I’m getting ripped off here!
Jerry said, “Well, instead of your tractor trailer sitting there, ready to go, it could be lying on its side in that ditch.”
The driver didn’t think that was funny, and after a few more curse words, got in his truck and drove away.
Jerry got dispatched to another job in Carlin, but half way there, Scottie called and said, “Jerry, I need you to turn around and go to a crash site on Emigrant Pass. We’ll send one of the other guys to the tow in Carlin.”
Jerry had no issue with the change in plans, so he exited the highway, turned around and headed West along I-80. As he started the climb, he could see a tractor trailer lying on its side and a driver with a bright orange jacket standing on the shoulder of the highway. Jerry thought to himself, “No. It’s not possible.”
As he got closer to the crash site, he noticed the same gentleman, who he had helped earlier, smiling and waving. As Jerry pulled over and stopped his truck, he could see the driver in his rearview mirror running toward him. As Jerry opened the door, the driver said, “Man, I sure am sorry about what I said back there. You were right. Things did get worse.”
Jerry harbored no ill will toward the driver and knew that this section of the interstate was prone to high gusts of wind. With an empty trailer, even the best of drivers could easily find themselves in trouble. So Jerry strapped his cables to the tractor trailer and set it on its wheels.
The driver thanked Jerry and did not have much to say after Jerry handed him his second bill of the day. As the driver turned toward his truck, Jerry said, “Hey, just remember, it could always be worse.”
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